Celebrating 2023: A Year in Review

If you are like me they you probably find January a challenging month. After the highs of the Christmas season, the short-lived New Year resolutions, long dark nights, and typically cold weather, we can easily become discouraged or demotivated. 

In my former parish, just after Christmas I would invite the whole church family to reflect upon the previous year and identify their personal ministry highlights. Having collated their answers, we gave a copy to every church member encouraging them to keep it in their bibles and use it in their daily prayers, giving thanks for God’s abundant blessings in the year that had gone. Each January we found this really strengthened our faith and raised our expectations of what the Lord could accomplish in and through us during the year ahead. 

I have done the same in what follows, highlighting an event or initiative for each month of 2023. I have also appended news of two exciting new initiaitves in 2024. Thank you for making this all possible, through your prayers and support. We look forward to partnering with you in the year ahead. 

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May Peacemaker e-News

I am pleased to be able to write and share the latest news from Peacemaker Trust. We thank God for the way he has opened new doors recently to enable me to teach and advocate for justice, peace and reconciliation. It is exciting to be working more closely with Christian leaders in the Middle East as well as Jewish and Muslim leaders in the UK who share our vision and wish to partner with us.

Peacemaker Christmas e-News

 I am delighted to share with you some good news. When God sent the angels to Bethlehem to announce “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Luke 2:14), he really meant it! God’s favour and peace is ours if we receive him, like the shepherds who searched for Jesus, like the wise men who worshipped Jesus, and like his parents, Joseph and Mary who served Jesus. That is how we become children of God. That is how we can best celebrate Christmas every day. Continue reading →